

来源:http://www.jndclyyxgs.com/ 发布时间:2019-05-11

  Aluminum sheet is divided into alloy sheet and pure aluminium sheet. Aluminum sheet we usually talk about is alloy sheet except for one series of accidents. Only one series of aluminium sheet is pure aluminium sheet. This series is the highest aluminium content in aluminium sheet series. Its purity is above 99.00%, and its representative brands are 1050, 1060 and 1100.
  The advantages of pure aluminium sheet are as follows:
  1.密度小 :纯铝的密度接近2700kg/m3,约为铁的密度的35%。
  1. Low density: the density of pure aluminium is close to 2700 kg/m3, about 35% of the density of iron.
  2. 可强化:纯铝通过冷加工处理后可以再原来的强度标准基础上再提高一倍,纯铝通过添加相关合金,经过热处理也同样可以进一步强化,其强度可与优质的合金钢媲美。
  2. Strengthened: Pure aluminium can be doubled on the basis of the original strength standard after cold processing. Pure aluminium can also be further strengthened by adding related alloys and heat treatment. Its strength can be comparable to that of high-quality alloy steel.
  3.易加工 :纯铝板由于没有添加其他合金元素,可塑性在其他系列中是较好的,可轧成薄板和箔;拉成管材和细丝;挤压成各种民用的型材;可以大多数机床所能达到的较大速度进行车、铣、镗、刨等机械加工。

  3. Easy to process: pure aluminium sheet is the best in other series because it does not add other alloying elements. It can be rolled into thin sheet and foil; drawn into pipes and filaments; extruded into various civil profiles; and can be machined at the maximum speed that most machine tools can achieve, such as turning, milling, boring and planer.
  4.耐腐蚀 :铝及其合金的表面,易生成一层致密、保护膜。这层保护膜只有卤素离子或碱离子的激烈作用下才会遭到破坏。因此,纯铝板有很好的耐大气(包括工业性大气和海洋大汽)腐蚀和水腐蚀的能力。
  4. Corrosion resistance: A dense protective film is easily formed on the surface of aluminium and its alloys. This protective film will be destroyed only under the intense action of halogen or alkali ions. Therefore, pure aluminium sheet has a good resistance to atmospheric (including industrial atmospheric and marine vapor) corrosion and water corrosion.
  5.无低温脆性 :纯铝板在摄氏零度以下,即时温度降低,强度和塑性不公不会降低,反而提高,所以说纯铝板是不存在低温脆性的。
  5. No low-temperature brittleness: pure aluminium plate is below zero centigrade, instant temperature decreases, strength and plasticity will not decrease, but increase, so pure aluminium plate does not exist low-temperature brittleness.
  6.反射性强 :纯铝板的抛光表面对白光的反射率达80%以上,纯度越高,反射率越高。同时,铝对红外线、紫外线、电磁波、热辐射等都有良好的反射性能。
  6. Strong reflectivity: The polished surface of pure aluminium plate can reflect more than 80% white light. The higher the purity, the higher the reflectivity. At the same time, aluminum has good reflectivity to infrared, ultraviolet, electromagnetic and thermal radiation.
  8. Cheap price: Pure aluminium sheet has simple manufacturing process and mature manufacturing technology, so its production cost is lower than that of alloy sheet, and its sales are also cheaper than other series of aluminium sheets.